And, The Allan Cunningham Project has moved too.

Hello! Artuccino’s Diane Challenor has decided to
transfer her bookish observations and reviews to GoodReads.

Social Media, internet services and technology has moved ahead,
and we are moving with it.

If you’ve enjoyed Diane Challenor’s book blogs, here at Artuccino,
you can find her bookish observations and book lists on GoodReads

A note to our Visitors from Diane Challenor

I’ve decided to transfer my bookish observations and reviews to GoodReads. Technology has moved on, and Artuccino and I have moved with it.

Prior to Social Media it wasn’t easy for the general public to upload their art, their photos, nor their thoughts to cyberspace, and if you couldn’t create a website, you were shut out of the delights of the internet, it was for this reason I created Artuccino. It was a place where visitors could upload their art and their poetry and could be seen on the Internet, and it was a place where I published The Serious Sydney Socialiser, a list of interesting events in Sydney, with the intention of encouraging Artuccino’s visitors to join in with bookish and thought provoking events. I listed the Art Gallery of New South Wales, the State Library of NSW, various writers’ groups, Writers’ Festivals, poetry readings, bushwalking, talks, and recommendations of social groups to join.

Originally I called Artuccino a Cafe in CyberSpace where I imagined it to be a place where art hung on the walls and interesting things took place, hence the name Artuccino. Through the years Artuccino has continued to improve and keep up with the technological changes taking place, so when social media came along, our service to visitors wasn’t needed, so Artuccino changed its colours and morphed from a site displaying art and publishing The Serous Sydney Socialiser, to a book blog where I published my Bookish Observations and reviews.

There’s a social media platform called GoodReads. It’s a fantastic place for readers to hang out. It is also a place where I’ve been writing reviews, and making bookish observations for years. Often I would publish a book blog via Artuccino and then copy it over to GoodReads, and if I was really energetic, I’d copy it to Amazon too. (GoodReads is owned by Amazon.)

My reviews and bookish observations will continue, but not at Artuccino. Going forward, if you’ve enjoyed my book blogs, you can find me on GoodReads. You will have to join GoodReads to enable you to browse. Here’s the link:

If you’re looking for The Allan Cunningham Project,
you’ll find Mr Cunningham now had his very own website.